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Maddy gave me the challenge of doing the  photoshoot in a completely  blank studio. She wanted to avoid the obvious social business image tropes of working on a laptop and a phone. I took phrases and slogans that she uses in her business and translated them into interpretable images. Because she speaks very boldly and to -the-point (literally "website copy that cuts through the bullsh*t), it was important to choose posing, props, and concepts that aligned with her BOLD brand and still showcased the FUN of her brand and personality. 

By Maddy Aucoin

By Maddy Aucoin

Branding Photography

Branding Photography

Photoshoot Themes:

Social Media Imagery

Blog Content

Website Imagery

Maddy Aucoin is a copywriter who creates feel-good website copywriting to make her clients' audiences obsessed with their brand. She helps clients communicate their unique processes so their audience actually gets it. She enjoys working with any industry that's "saturated" and taking her clients' unique approach to help them stand out. 

Image Objectives:

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